The first sign...
Autumn happened here last week. The color was yellow - for one day - and then the leaves fell.
And now winter is coming and Kabul is getting prepared.
Here's what the roses looked like when I came here in August.
Now they've been trimmed to the ground.
The earth's been turned.
Winter is coming.
I've started feeding the birds.
On the street, we see men mixing mud and straw...
Fuel - all kinds - is appearing on the streets. Coal and charcoal and kerosene...
Plastic is appearing on windows at the guesthouses. Heaters have appeared in the bathrooms. The AC/heaters have all been serviced.
I liberated an electric heater from the stockroom for my office. The boiler has been cranked up.
The electricity goes off at least once an evening between 5 and 10 due to the extra load for heat. Not for long, just enough to be an inconvenience. No one panics; no one looks for candles - just wait and it'll go back on. Even when it's not a blackout, there are brownout situations all evening where the lights go down to barely see-by level. But then they're up again.
We're in good shape, us Internationals; if the power goes off and there's no heat , the guesthouses all have backup generators. Many Afghans don't have generators.
The refugee camps don't have generators either.
And here's a November sunset.
Today (Nov. 25) is about 40 F...I'm off to Dubai for Thanksgiving and for some walking by myself.
I won't be wearing a head scarf!
Have a very Happy a turkey dinner a possibility?